Section outline

    • The topics of evolution and sustainability are associated with several learning difficulties, because they are the result of complex interactions between organisms and their environment, and evolutionary-ecological processes usually take place over larger dimensions of space and time.

      Agent-based modeling is a methodology that has been used for the last few decades to investigate such dynamics of complex systems, particularly in some branches of behavioral, evolutionary, and sustainability sciences.

      In this teacher professional development module, you will get to know a series of agent-based computer simulations using the NetLogo software and associated teaching materials.

      The models are particularly suitable for learning about:

      • Concepts of ecology, such as logistic population growth, growth rate, carrying capacity;
      • Concepts of evolution, such as trait, variation, selection, inheritance, fitness, founder effect; advanced models also deal with mechanisms of the evolution of cooperation, such as kin selection, reciprocal altruism, ethnocentrism;
      • Concepts of cultural evolution of cultural characteristics through imitation;
      • Concepts of behavioral ecology and (behavioral) economics, such as cost-benefit/payoff matrix, social dilemma, cooperation, competition;
      • Concepts of sustainability sciences, such as the tragedy of the commons; highest possible long-term yield;
      • as well as concepts of complex systems, such as emergence and non-linear change

      Due to the interdisciplinary focus, the materials also address concepts of social studies and ethics curricula.

      The training is therefore particularly suitable for teachers of lower and upper secondary levels in the subjects of biology, mathematics, computer science, social studies/civics and ethics.

      Learning objectives: Participants...

      • deepen their subject matter knowledge on the topics of evolution, ecology, behavioral ecology, and sustainable development;
      • know about computer simulations as a method of scientific inquiry in biology and social sciences;
      • can use computer simulations as an interactive method in subject-specific and interdisciplinary lessons;
      • can critically transfer the processes and conditions presented in computer simulations to real-world situations.

      Duration of the training: approx. 2-3 hours

      → All models and teaching materials presented in the training